
Ein naturgestütztes Mentoring Programm für (zukünftige) Mitarbeiterinnen in Führungspositionen

Ein einzigartiges Format zur nachhaltigen Resilienz und Leadership Stärkung

The participants of the Resilientives experience how they 

Marja schafft einen Raum, in dem jeder sich voll entfalten kann, mit allen Facetten die in dem Moment dazugehören und sich für jede einzelne Teilnehmerin richtig anfühlen. Damit schafft sie eine besondere Atmosphäre und einen Platz für all die unterschiedlichen Wünsche und Bedürfnisse, die wir in uns und mit uns tragen.

Für mich schafft sie Momente und Inseln der Auszeit, die einen unglaublichen Mehrwert haben, in denen ich Klarheit gewinne und Kraft tanken kann. Marja und das was die schafft mit ihrer Klangentspannung, den Resilientives und ihren Resilienztainings ist unentbehrlich für mich, denn sie bedeuten für mich, mich zur Priorität zu machen, mich weiterzuentwickeln. Man merkt bei allem was sie tut, wie viel Zeit, Energie und vor allem Liebe und Leidenschaft sie investiert die Teilnehmerinnen zu stärken.

Durch Marja habe ich es geschafft wieder meine eigenen Grenzen zu erkennen und zu respektieren, auf meine innere Stimme zu hören, die mir sagt was ich brauche und was mir gut tut und genau dem Zeit einzuräumen.
Caroline Langrock-Mayer - Feedback Resilientives
Caroline Langrock-Mayer
Sales Liaison Manager Neurology | Pharma MBA, Merck KGaA

Meet me

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The Challenges

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Naturgestütztes Mentoring Programm für (zukünftige) Mitarbeiterinnen in Führungspositionen

Die Resilientives verbinden folgende facettenreiche Komponenten eines Resilienz,- und Incentive Formats:

The participants learn

If You have any questions, you can find here's the FAQ or kontaktiere mich gern direkt.

Your Advantages

Resilientive Details

Target group

(Zukünftige) Mitarbeiterinnen in Führungspositionen


5 – 10 Personen


1 – 6 Tage


Worldwide, DE & S




Full Service Organisation & vor Ort Begleitung

Target group


Women's groups, senior executives, High-potential, women in various positions


5 – 20 participants

For larger groups, the offers can be repeated


1 – 7 days

Daily format or travel

The longer the deeper content can be experienced.


Worldwide, DE & S

See inspiration for a first impulse, locations close to the company are also possible for daily formats

Our Performance

Full Service 

incl. on-site service with end-to-end accessibility for the participants & online follow-up monitoring

Resilientives - The structure in Detail

Activate inner strength and resilience in a natural process

* Stabilization of the nervous system and Regeneration 

* Feel yourself and get in touch

Discover and develop potential

* Develop feminine qualities in the world of work

* Give space to potential and strengthen it in a targeted manner

Sources of strength and integration in everyday life

* Impulses to consolidate inner strength

* Morning and evening routines for more alignment and stability

Program elements


  • Slow Yoga and intuitive assessment units
  • Strengthening of the mind-body connection
  • Stress reduction on a mental and physical level
  • Promotion of female power and Intuition


  • Effect to the cellular level
  • Solution of disharmonies
  • Relaxation of the nervous system
  • Oscillations synchronize with the brain waves
  • Relaxation promotion without the active contribution


  • Nature as a superpower for resilience
  • External nature reflects inner nature
  •  Nature as a green workshop space for in-depth resilience experiences


  • Journaling as a writer, the elderly-reflection technology, which works with the subconscious
  • Exploration of thoughts, feelings and patterns of behavior by asking specific questions

Follow-up Begleitung online zur Integration im Alltag

* Maßgeschneiderte Morgen,- und Abendroutine zur Resilienz Stärkung im Alltag

* Gruppencalls (Resilienz Aufgabe & Feedack)

* 1:1 Mentoring Calls mit jeder Teilnehmerin, 30 Min

* Klangentspannung zur Nervensystem Regulation als Audio Datei

* Täglicher Resilienz Impuls (Perspektivwechsel im Alltag)

Der Mehrwert: Routinen festigen, Resilienz-Inhalte vertiefen und den Austausch untereinander fördern


Resilientives are unique experience formats that combine resilience training with incentives. In our Resilientives for women in companies, we combine experience-oriented exercises with inspiring content and breathtaking nature.

Our Resilientives are aimed at companies that want to strengthen their employees and promote their potential. They are ideal for women who have project or personnel responsibility, as they are often confronted with stress, high levels of workload or difficult challenges. When a stone falls into the water, the circles draw from the inside out and targeted work with these employee positions can result in sustainable improvements for the team.

Women often face unique challenges in the world of work that can impact their mental health and resilience. In our Resilientives for women we have the opportunity to address these specific needs and create a safe space for exchange and mutual support.

Nature offers an ideal setting for our resilients as it is a source of calm, inspiration and strength. In these places, participants can switch off from everyday life and concentrate entirely on themselves and their inner strength.

Resilientives strengthen the resilience and mental health of your employees. This leads to more Motivation, performance and job satisfaction.

Investing in the mental health and resilience of your employees is an investment in the future of your company. Women have a wealth of female potential that significantly influences the success of a company (empathy, vision, creativity, emotional intelligence, and much more). By supporting the participants in strengthening their resilience, these qualities are given space to develop and thus significantly strengthen the success of the company at all levels. Women have a wealth of female potential, which affect the success of a company (empathy, foresight, creativity, emotional intelligence, etc.). By supporting the participants to strengthen their resilience, to get these qualities room to unfold, and so essential to the success of the company at all levels to strengthen.

Simply contact me and we will create an individual offer exactly according to your wishes and specifications. I would also be happy to advise you on choosing the right program.


Heritage forest Villa in Kassel

Here, everyday life can be left in the middle of nature behind. The lovingly renovated house with garden offers many individual withdrawal options, as well as community spaces for exchange and program experiences.

Days Of The Example Program:

  • Morning routine with natural resilience pulse
  • Common Brunch
  • Natural Resilience Workshop
  • Sourdough bread baking workshop in the house-private kitchen
  • Evening routine with days of reflection, Slow Yoga & sound relaxation

10 x bedroom double/single occupancy available

Exklusive Verfügbarkeiten im Aug & Sep 2024, Terminvergabe nach "first come, first serve"
Natural Location in Frankfurt (days format)

The Raum25 on the edge of the Frankfurt city forest is a place of peace, relaxation and well-being. Depending on the location of the target group similar Locations can be searched.

Days Of The Example Program: 

  • Arrive with tea & Snacks
  • Welcome To Round & Idea
  • Energizing yoga unit with sound accompaniment
  • Common Lunch
  • Natural Resilience Workshop 
  • Slow Yoga & Sound Relaxation
  • Final Round & Reflection

Capacity for max. 14 participants 

A Finca in Mallorca

On Mallorca there is a range of luxurious villas in the middle of nature, which offer indoor and outdoor areas for our groups. 

Days Of The Example Program: 

  • Morning routine with resilience pulse and activating Yoga unity in the nature
  • Common Brunch
  • Natural Resilience Workshop
  • Local experience, such as a Sunset BBQ in the case of a catamaran Tour
  • Evening routine with days of reflection, and a Slow-Down relaxation Sound
Number of bedrooms depending on the Finca
A Farm in Tuscany

The Ebbio Organic Farm with its own gardens and animals, a hidden Paradise in the heart of Tuscany. In addition to the individually-designed rooms, the property offers spacious common areas, terraces and hammocks. 

Days Of The Example Program: 

  • Morning routine with a sense of activation in the nature & resilience pulse
  • Common Brunch
  • Natural Resilience Workshop
  • Cooking with locally grown food & then Dinner  
  • Evening routine with days of reflection, Slow Yoga & sound relaxation
 9 x-bedroom double/single occupancy available
A desert camp in the Sahara desert, Morocco

Far away from the hustle and bustle of the world we will ride the camels to our exclusive desert camp. Surrounded by the breathtaking scenery of the Sahara desert, a time of waiting here, full of peace and adventure. 

Days Of The Example Program:

  • Moroccan tea at sunrise
    Morning routine and activating a Yoga unit
  • Common Brunch
  • Hike with resilience stations to the top of a dune incl. Rise
  • Sunset with a view, accompanied by Handpan sounds
  • Joint Dinner
  • The camp fire with Moroccan camp family
  • Evening routine with daily reflection & sound relaxation
14 x tents on double/single occupancy available

About me

Durch jahrelange high-performance Arbeit und 60-Stunden Wochen als selbstständige Event Managerin und Team Leiterin kenne ich die Herausforderungen des Business Alltags.

In meinem Mentoring Angebot lasse ich die Essenz aus all meinen Erfahrungen zusammen fließen und ergänze durch Kooperationspartnerinnen je nach Kundenwunsch weitere Schwerpunkte.

Feedback zu meiner Person aus den Augen einer Klientin:
„Marja ist eine unglaublich charismatische, natürliche, bodenständige und lebensfrohe Persönlichkeit, die es schafft, Menschen einfach mit ihrer Art mitzureißen und zu begeistern. Ich schätze ihre vielfältigen Facetten – sie animiert, motiviert, begeistert, bringt aber zugleich auch sehr viel Ruhe in Situationen rein. Alles, was sie tut und sagt, kommt aus tiefstem Herzen. Und genau damit erreicht sie Menschen.

Marja steht für mich für Authentizität, Verlässlichkeit und Lebensfreude. Sie lässt jedem seinen Raum, kann aber falls gewünscht auch sehr wertvolle Rückmeldungen und Tipps geben, die einem durchaus mal die Augen – und das Herz – öffnen können.“

  • Natural resilience Trainer*in®
  • Nature-Mental-coach*in®
  • Nature-Coachin
    Institution: Academy of forest bathing, embodiments of the German Academy for forest bathing and health QM-certified by the seal of quality composite training e. V.
  • Sound Training Module 1
  • Sound training module 2
    Institute: Institute for sound work
  • Gong training Celebration, holistic 42 hours of Training
    Instructors: Alexandra Ott and Siri Gopal Gbiorczyk
  • Event Management Senior Level, +12 Years Of Experience (Freelance & Entrepreneurship-Page)

I look forward to meeting you

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