About me

Hi, I'm Marja! Passionate, creative, curious, and always “one step” ahead of time. 

STEP AHEAD ist nicht nur ein persönliches Anliegen, sondern beschreibt vielmehr noch meine Arbeitsweise. Weiter zu denken und weiter zu gehen, als es auf den ersten Blick scheint.
STEP AHEAD – was brauchen wir zur gesunden Eigenstärkung in Zeiten des äußeren Wandels?

What has happened so far...

During my work as an Event Manager, I was allowed a lot of valuable experience from which I benefit. At the same time I could feel how it is to go beyond their own limits, and be in ongoing phases of feeling lived to remain rather than to active life. Maybe you know this 😉 

It is the point where I honestly admit was that I lost the joy on my way. For this purpose, the inner pressure that I want to LIVE life as a precious gift to see what I really.

Back to the star line. What makes me happy? What arouses my curiosity? I've tried various things and these ways people met, the met life with full of ease and enthusiasm.
Without knowing the time, to like, to me was clear:
I want that, too. 

...and I went

Various trainings and Mentor:the inside I found a way to bring more joy and ease through the inner strengthening in my life.

I'm incredibly GRATEFUL for the people and inspirations on my way, let me realize how much I have however, even in the Hand and how many wonderful opportunities there are to come into my power. 

Work with nature and with the sounds of two incredibly valuable supporters, for me, that open up a whole new level of Potential of the self-strengthening.

Now, I am pleased to share these insights and experiences with others and to join with my work people on the corporate side, and to strengthen their resilience by my various (experience) approaches.

My Qualifications

  • Natural resilience Trainer*in®
  • Nature-Mental-coach*in®
  • Nature-Coachin
    Institution: Academy of forest bathing, embodiments of the German Academy for forest bathing and health QM-certified by the seal of quality composite training e. V.
  • Sound Training Module 1
  • Sound training module 2
    Institute: Institute for sound work
  • Gong training Celebration, holistic 42 hours of Training
    Instructors: Alexandra Ott and Siri Gopal Gbiorczyk
  • Event Management Senior Level, +12 Years Of Experience (Freelance & Entrepreneurship-Page)

I look forward to meeting you

Thank you for your interest and your openness to cooperation. 

Come on let love to me us me know the following:

  • Your Concerns
  • Target Group & Number
  • Date
  • Location (the Location, or you wish to the situation/place?)
  • Budget
  • everything appears to be important to you

We will then consult together the best way for you and your audience. 

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