Resilience for companies

Lived resilience is the key to a healthy and successful company.

With unique resilience experiences, I encourage:

  • Sustainable resilience-skills of your employees
  • Improved well-being and increased motivation
  • Higher performance and increased productivity
  • Inspiration for self-strengthening in times of change

Experience, corporate culture, resilience leads your business to success!

“I joined other resilience trainings before and that was the best so far."

Head of Sales, Merck KGaA

Die drei Säulen meines Angebots

How can I support you? Under the overarching umbrella of resilience-strengthening, you will find the following pillars in my offer:


    Ein naturgestütztes Mentoring Programm für (zukünftige) Mitarbeiterinnen in Führungspositionen
    zur Stärkung der Resilienz und Leadership Skills.

    • Zweiteiliges Format
    • 5 - 10 Teilnehmerinnen
    • Präsenz Format in der Natur mit online Follow-up Begleitung

    Team Events

    Experience format for Teams
    to strengthen the spirit, the power of innovation and development of individual potential.

    • Integration into your Event
    • A stand-alone Format (incl. Planning)

    Sound relaxation

    Experience format for your event (Events, employee events, Workshops, fairs, etc.) for the regeneration of the nervous system, the Integration of existing content and the improvement of the absorption capacity.

    Implementation (onsite & online)
    • Integration in your planned Event
    • A Stand-Alone Format (Ex. After Work The End)

What is resilience?

Resilience is like the root system of a tree: the invisible, but essential for stability and growth. You don't empowers individuals and organizations to overcome setbacks, but emerge from them.
The following resilience, particularly in the business world-the roots of a big role, I inclusive, depending on the audience individually.

Resilience Roots

the empathy that connects the us and a strong sense of Team creates.

the Serenity, the centered and emotional Storms protects.

the confidence in their own abilities that can move mountains.

the openness to New ideas, coupled with a growth mindset that makes us adaptable, and creative.

to Accept realities, which allows us to work constructively to move forward.

the positive vision that guides us through dark times.

the conscious control of our brain that allows us to achieve maximum performance.

With heart and passion for more resilience in business!

Resilience, for me, is more than just a theme – it's a heart matter.

I believe that every person has an immense power that can carry him through difficult times and lead to new heights. To discover this power, and to activate, that is my drive.

With innovative and experience-based services, I lead people (women) in the company to a deeper understanding of their own resilience.

Together, we dive into the world of inner strength, to explore individual approaches and find the right tools to deal with Stress and crises confidently.

Whether it's in the nature, by sounds, breathing, creativity, movement, or reflections – the possibilities are diverse and precisely to the needs of your employees voted on.

Von Mental Overload zur High Performance - Mit weniger Antrengung mehr erreichen!

Why is resilience important to us just now?

In a time in which the world is changing rapidly and external collateral are increasingly fragile, is the ability to resilience is more crucial than ever. Assistants need to have inner stability to the complex challenges of life encounter. At the same time a stable inner resilience is necessary for businesses to survive in an uncertain environment and external stability guarantee.

I look forward to meeting you

Thank you for your interest and your openness to cooperation. 

Come on let love to me us me know the following:

  • Your Concerns
  • Target Group & Number
  • Date
  • Ort / Location Wünsche
  • Budget
  • everything appears to be important to you

We will then consult together the best way for you and your audience. 




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