Team Events

For more resilience, Inspiration & Team Spirit

For your concern, I design, organize, and I realize Team Events for you to strengthen your colleagues for more resilience in their daily work. 

To do this, I want you out of my Pool a suitable Team of resilience experts and find the right places to meet your goal.

Your Concerns

  • A Team Event before and you're looking for something Special is?
  • Do you want an experience that offers sustainable value, creativity, ignites and your Team to exceptional locations that brings together? 
  • Do you want to be a common experience to say THANK you, your newly formed Team strengths, or a current challenge with fresh perspectives encounter?
What is the question you need to ask yourself - let us work together for the best answer look

The right solution for You

Together with a further resilience expert in my network I design specifically for your concern resilience experience that combines a root topic of resilience with an inspiring place, and experiential elements. The nature will, if possible and desired, as a space of experience involved with. Here are the formats that I offer are:

    Integration in a solid Event

    • Performance: experience as a Workshop Format
    • Duration: 1 - 4 Hours
    • Location: Available
      (I look like after outdoor extensions/change of location)

    Standalone Team Event Floor

    • Performance: Design, Planning & Implementation
    • Duration: 4 - 8 Hours
    • Location: proposals depending on the issue

Benefits to Your participants and Your company

Due to the Central role of people in these Events, not only of joy and enthusiasm is kindled while, but also the Impulse for self-reinforcement is given, which carry the positive feel sustainable in everyday life.

By strengthening the resilience and we will increase the Motivation to cope with the Event, in addition to challenges in everyday work more efficient.


The common experiences reveal new facets and Strengths, the strengths of the team spirit and cohesion.

By Immersing themselves in new and inspiring environments, we ignite the creativity of the Participants, which leads to fresh perspectives and innovative solution strategies.

Team Spirit


How could a Team Event? The following inspirations, can be adjusted in length and theme:

Team Event at the castle Freudenberg in Wiesbaden (Germany)

Theme – get Out of your head and into the feeling.
The life with all the senses.

Proposal Program:

  • Kick-off & activation of the senses
  • Resilience pulse in the castle Park
  • Team Lunch
  • Sound relaxation
    Resilience pulse in the castle
  • Dinner with an Aperitif in the Dunkelbar 
Team Event in the Green with the Team Dinner

Topic: How do we, as a Team of trees can learn

Proposal Program:

  • Start from the Parking lot of a close-to-nature Location

  • Arrive Into the benefits of nature in the forest

  • Workshop part 1: active exercise for resource acquisition 

  • Workshop part 2: reflection exercise at the walk

  • Arrival and welcome drink at close-to-nature Location

  • Workshop Part 3: Creative Development 

  • Team Lunch/Dinner

  • Final Surprise

I look forward to meeting you

Thank you for your interest and your openness to cooperation. 

Wie könnte ein Team Event für deine Zielgruppe aussehen?

Kontaktiere mich noch heute, um mehr über mein Angebot und Möglichkeiten für deine Wünsche zu erfahren.

We will then consult together the best way for you and your audience. 

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